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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Tea Cup I

First Paint Party of the year
Experiment of the day. I fell in love with it the moment I started mixing colors on the paper palette.
Paint's flexibility, tenderness, and substantial texture are beyond charming.

Welcome to the Land of Tea Cups!
Flowers on the Table. Flowers on the Tea Cup.
Tea Cup #2 - Rose Petal


Close your eyes, and feel it.

A tea cup is like a petal, a petal of rose or of any summer flower one comes across. It is tender with its floral embroidery. It is delicate with its golden linen. It is petit yet glows with its own gleams.

Or is the petal actually, like one of friends pointed out, a lip print? Being left on the brim of the cup with a dear wish? Who left it there?

Savvy the past, holding a piece of art from mid-19th century Europe and bringing it closer to your lips. Savvy the moment- go on a date with yourself, tea, and the rose petal on your heart.

chrome it up!
Tea Cup #3 -Shades Down


A sunny day, early afternoon, Tea Room.

Shades are down, reflecting the over passionate sunshine back into the back garden, leaving shades of light orange light dance through every other line. Here is a haven. Would you escape into a tea cup on one of those afternoons?

The horizontal lines on the top are the pulled-down shades, and the arcs on the near bottom part are where the end of the shade is hanging. Gracefully shaped like the ones under many french restaurants' outside drapes, the arcs have french styled refinement. This kind of color blue was right there on my mind when I had the design; it makes me think of Greek seaside, the azure breeze, and clean calmness.

Shades down. A tea cup is its own world. A tea cup is a dear dreaming haven in our little worlds.


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