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Tuesday, December 9, 2014


CHOCOLATE #1 - Mustache
"Smeared chocolate made me a mustache once, and it made one of my favourite photos from childhood."

GRAIN MIX #1 -Ingredients
"I had this grain mix drink during a thanksgiving stay at one of my friends' house. We had it for breakfast everyday. It was so good that I had to ask my friend to ask her mom afterward for the recipe—golgi, sesame, dried dates, black glutinous rice, peanuts, oats, and surely, love. :)"

TIME #1 - A Foot and A Hand
Black Marker
"Time is moving."

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Circle. I am Back.

Hello everyone, despite the fact that we just had a ten-day thanksgiving break, I indeed have NOT been in the studio for a while.

After two months of creating my own triplets, staring at my created works and blanking out in the art studio, I felt that my fresh inspiration was draining away. I started questioning the whole meaning and significance of my works under my own limited perspective.

It is so tiny, isn't it? I am no more than a tiny individual, and what do my feelings, my ways of looking at the world matter to the greater society? They don't.

Inspired by a community-based-project suggestion, I changed my project direction and started interviewing people to see their perspectives on the objects/ideas I had drawn. Involving more people means conducting a deeper investigation into the society, and maybe I can discover some deep, significant truth of it?

"What is umbrella to you?"
"It is the cool companion for a windbreaker." "It is wandering in the rain." "It is tap dancing." "It is gray and black." "..."

"What is Friday night to you?"
"It is a sky full of shining stars." "It is snuggle time with dear quilts." "It is a pile of choices for what to ear, where to hang out, and whether to do the math homework." "It is the ultimate coziness." "..."

"What is desperation to you?"
"It is cold mac-n-cheese." "It is seeing a cat sleeping on my hanging quilts." "It is having no road in the front. Having nothing." "..."

... ...
Every one has such a different look on life, and I was more than amazed by all those open artistic sparkles. No one is describing the objects the same way. No one is perceiving the world the same way. Not the same way as me. Not the same way as anybody else.

We are different. But my direction was so labeled with "community-based" that I was stubborn with all my other interview plans and was trying to figure out in my head what thread I could draw through all those uniqueness. But clearly I couldn't.

As I thought some marvelous idea was going to suddenly hit me one day during the thanksgiving break, it never did. As I was browsing the internet earlier today looking at others' works, looking for the meaning of "define", and ultimately looking for crucial inspirations, I failed again. All the colorful works online only reminded me that not only do different people look at one object differently, the object itself has it many different characteristics as well.

Wow. Now what?

Wow. Maybe I should just be me. Me is my power, my strength, my uniqueness in this world. Me, my perspective, is my own art.

It is funny how it is a circle. But compare to the unconfidence and self-doubt I had for myself and my THREE© project in the beginning, this time I am ready to return to the studio with firm confidence and ever more acute senses. I am ready to embrace my very own life and peacefully and joyfully create my own little, but not necessarily unimpactful, art.

THREE© Project Studio is Back ALIVE. :) I'm back.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


THREE© Umbrella

 THREE© Umbrella

The idea of choosing UMBRELLA as the next "it" project came to me when I was walking to the dining hall the other day and saw an umbrella lying on the floor soundlessly.
Umbrellas. I like them. Somehow they give me such a timeless fashion, a calm gentleness.

When I first started the production, I looked for black ink for the different curves of different umbrellas. However, I had no luck finding it.
Instead, I discovered a box of charcoal. Would this black work?

The box of charcoal I found on the "magic" shelf.
It turned out that I LOVED the texture of charcoal!
It is so very smooth and thick, one just needs to be careful with its small powders though.
My dirty fingers after using the charcoal.
Even though I tried to hold the charcoal as lightly as possible, it still left significant black marks on my hand.

Next, I thought of my crazy dream about umbrella when I was little.
I loved rainy days. I hope there could be enough rain that the world became a river and I could use my umbrella as my boat when I went out. Ah the boat floats and floats.
(I now know that it makes no physics sense and flood is indeed very destructive.)

Dream is dream. It is where umbrellas go in my heart.

Trying out different sketches. (The one on the left was the picked one)
Found that using a smaller brush would help portray the umbrella boat's thin handle.

Purple is always so hard to mix!

Trying to jump out of the formerly set perspective, I found myself looking at the top of an umbrella.
The contour of it is so perfectly circular (that I had to draw the line around a cylinder container), and the lines on it so perfectly straight (that I had to use rulers for them).
Then I asked myself what I felt about umbrellas.
Little Suns.
Each umbrella has a little orange sun in its middle, melting away sadness and drying up wet tears from the sky. The sun is tiny, but it means whole lot to the tiny world beneath it. Warmth, dryness, comfort.

A black marker for the circle, and a red colored pencil for the linings.
Two orange oil pastels for the melting sun in the middle of the umbrella.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


After its birth two weeks ago, the Wall has grown much with ever growing collections.

 zoom in....

Look ever closer!!

You might have found some rearrangement and new members.
On the upper left corner, it's the first illustration I took on for "Friday Night" using a see-through paper.

Right in the middle, there are first two illustrations for "Desperation."

It was actually a creation after my own personal experience couple weeks ago when I was facing my production bottleneck. 

I had millions of great future expectations for the Three Project flying within my head, yet I could not pin point down to what to do next. That was where the vase with colorful opening and dark dull core came from. Oh Desperation, Oh Dear Beautiful Bottleneck.

The second illustration came when I was experimenting with black ink. This free drop of black ink is exactly how desperation feels like- careless yet endlessly disappointing and helpless.

Emotions are powerful.
The abstract has infinite possibilities.

THREE© #4 -Surprise

Surprise I - A Dash of Rue

This dash of pink itself was created by accident too.
I was drawing another illustration when I made too big a swing and voila, the pink was there.
And I loved it! 
I was amazed by this pink dash's carelessness yet delicacy--this is exactly like surprises, which are always so accidental yet beautiful in their own somehow exquisite nature!

Surprise, embrace the accidental beauty.

Surprise II - Red, Blue, Yellow

Red, Blue, Yellow are the three primary colors.
Together, they can create any color you want.
Surprise can create anything too!

Three colors, some chemistry, a surprise party.

Look back, the lockers are consist of these three colors too!
Red, Blue, Yellow Lockers

Surprise III - Blank

 Surprise is a surprise because you never know what is coming!

Can you see what's coming behind the blankness?


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

GUESS?!! (2)

All THREE pictures for hint!!

(1) Three Rhythms with Three Different Pens


oh la la, it's made with tape!

(3) A Splash of Red
Pick One out of the Six

The Three© Wall


I started putting my work on the wall today. Check out the pictures below!

The Wall in the afternoon. :) First look!

The Wall at night! With much more excitement!

A closer look at night :)

The Wall will be a great place for me to display my work and also play with different combinations and gain inspirations. I am truly grateful for such a wonderful space and am so excited!

Billiard II --> Three© #3 fresh off the studio!

Do you guys still remember our friend Billiard, one of my earliest production?

Here is it, back with its third illustration, and gladly becomes Three© #3!

Check out the third illustration below-
Complete with a HB pencil only. Concise, modern, and classy. :) Hope you like it!

Pencil leads the way! 
Simply concise, modern, and classy.

See, a stick and a ball in front, so many possibilities, so many uncertainties, yet so quite, so simply.

Billiard Three© Complete!

THREE© Friends

THREE© Friends

#1 A Chocolate Cake & A Cup of Tea

- Perfect Companions: On simply sweet, one a bit bitter. Both find home in each other. :)

Illustration I's colored pencil ensemble. :)

Everything is drawn with colored pencils except the red cherry on the top of the chocolate cake is by paint. :)

#2 Blue and Green

- Blue and green are two very similar yet distinct colors, and they go along side by side with each other. Aren't dear friends like this?

Paints- green(blue+yellow), blue, white

Mixing paint struggle for Illustration II. Getting the PERFECT green!

#3 Da

- Friends is laughing out loud.
  While "大笑" means laughing out loud, "大" charecter along means "big". Big hearty laughter with your homey friends is always a must have. :)
  The character also shapes like a person who is giving a big hug. The warmth of the color orange gives off even more friendship happiness.:)

Finally decided on using pastels (far right) for the illustration.


Tea Cup II --> three© #2

Crazily upside down. Perfectly tea cup. :)

I gladly announce that the tea cup triplet is completed today as well!!!

Check out the miscellaneous third illustration, and what are you thinking of?!

Start with multiple colored pencils- mainly warm colors.

Struggles on mixing the paint to get color purple.

The mysterious third one!

Tea Cup Three© Proudly Present