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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Circle. I am Back.

Hello everyone, despite the fact that we just had a ten-day thanksgiving break, I indeed have NOT been in the studio for a while.

After two months of creating my own triplets, staring at my created works and blanking out in the art studio, I felt that my fresh inspiration was draining away. I started questioning the whole meaning and significance of my works under my own limited perspective.

It is so tiny, isn't it? I am no more than a tiny individual, and what do my feelings, my ways of looking at the world matter to the greater society? They don't.

Inspired by a community-based-project suggestion, I changed my project direction and started interviewing people to see their perspectives on the objects/ideas I had drawn. Involving more people means conducting a deeper investigation into the society, and maybe I can discover some deep, significant truth of it?

"What is umbrella to you?"
"It is the cool companion for a windbreaker." "It is wandering in the rain." "It is tap dancing." "It is gray and black." "..."

"What is Friday night to you?"
"It is a sky full of shining stars." "It is snuggle time with dear quilts." "It is a pile of choices for what to ear, where to hang out, and whether to do the math homework." "It is the ultimate coziness." "..."

"What is desperation to you?"
"It is cold mac-n-cheese." "It is seeing a cat sleeping on my hanging quilts." "It is having no road in the front. Having nothing." "..."

... ...
Every one has such a different look on life, and I was more than amazed by all those open artistic sparkles. No one is describing the objects the same way. No one is perceiving the world the same way. Not the same way as me. Not the same way as anybody else.

We are different. But my direction was so labeled with "community-based" that I was stubborn with all my other interview plans and was trying to figure out in my head what thread I could draw through all those uniqueness. But clearly I couldn't.

As I thought some marvelous idea was going to suddenly hit me one day during the thanksgiving break, it never did. As I was browsing the internet earlier today looking at others' works, looking for the meaning of "define", and ultimately looking for crucial inspirations, I failed again. All the colorful works online only reminded me that not only do different people look at one object differently, the object itself has it many different characteristics as well.

Wow. Now what?

Wow. Maybe I should just be me. Me is my power, my strength, my uniqueness in this world. Me, my perspective, is my own art.

It is funny how it is a circle. But compare to the unconfidence and self-doubt I had for myself and my THREE© project in the beginning, this time I am ready to return to the studio with firm confidence and ever more acute senses. I am ready to embrace my very own life and peacefully and joyfully create my own little, but not necessarily unimpactful, art.

THREE© Project Studio is Back ALIVE. :) I'm back.

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