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Wednesday, October 15, 2014


After its birth two weeks ago, the Wall has grown much with ever growing collections.

 zoom in....

Look ever closer!!

You might have found some rearrangement and new members.
On the upper left corner, it's the first illustration I took on for "Friday Night" using a see-through paper.

Right in the middle, there are first two illustrations for "Desperation."

It was actually a creation after my own personal experience couple weeks ago when I was facing my production bottleneck. 

I had millions of great future expectations for the Three Project flying within my head, yet I could not pin point down to what to do next. That was where the vase with colorful opening and dark dull core came from. Oh Desperation, Oh Dear Beautiful Bottleneck.

The second illustration came when I was experimenting with black ink. This free drop of black ink is exactly how desperation feels like- careless yet endlessly disappointing and helpless.

Emotions are powerful.
The abstract has infinite possibilities.

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