Now featuring on Behance!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Beginning & The End

Remember I once drafted some pieces right before Spring Break? Well, good news, I gave the finish touch to two of them today! :D

First, my colorful working space:
With music!
I love it :)

Early Draft:

Today's Work:

Finished Work:

The Secret Miss E

Early Draft:
Oops can't find it!!

Finished Work:


My Precise Abstract Collage Tutorial:
1) Sketch the lines in the background;

2) Trace the lines with a thin paper that you can look through and see the lines behind;

3) Cut the colored paper with the tracing paper;
4) Put the cutted colored paper into the space and glue it;
5) Voilà!! 🌟🌟🌟

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Fresh Fresh Fresh!!

Delivering works to you the moment it's made... Enjoy :)


I Walk Back To Where I Lost It

(First sketch a month ago!!)

Let It Rain

I finally finished this after my first sketch a month ago! :)
Let it rain - rain, ring, more rings... Can you find them in the picture?

Happy Spring!!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Wednesday Sunrise Radio

My working space this morning :)
4:30 am - 6:10 am!! 


A Sweets Addict

Life As A Bouquet

Thursday, April 9, 2015

I Woke Up In Spring

Twin Flowers 双生花

Street Performer

Chinese Cake Shop 饼铺


Youth 青春


She Left


"The best way to say goodbye to a finished magazine is to make collage out of it. :)"      -me

Monday, February 9, 2015

Final Project Brainstorm

While I was just going to show my former Three© collection works for the final presentation in May, a talk with my mentor Ms. Slaughter two weeks ago totally changed my perspective and pushed me into a more exciting world. 

The former triplets were just my experiments. Now I am ready to dive into something bigger.

I started off experimenting with different idea sparkles.

Idea 1 - Random Dots 
Using colored papers and hole punchers just like when I was in Color & Design my freshman year.

Idea 2 - Overlapping Animal Crackers
I flipped through my little personal sketchbook and saw these pals.

Idea 3 - Chocolate Display & Dots
I loved illustration displays and tried to utilize colored dots with the medium of colored pens instead of colored papers.

Idea 4 - Fundamental Color Tablets with Patterns.
This is when something clicks in my heart!!! It's getting where I want it to be!

Adding a little collage into the patterns. :)

I liked it.

Idea 5 - Building More on Patterns
It was fun.

Then a week later, I had the meeting with Ms. Slaughter again, and surprisingly, flipping through my old Color & Design sketchbook, we found most inspiration from one of my old work!

You shall wait and see what I build upon that one!
Probably something combined with my deep love for idea 4!